Electronic payment of tax liabilities

As part of its modernisation programme the Cyprus Tax Department has encouraged online payment of tax liabilities. Online payment of PAYE deducted from wages and salaries became mandatory from March 2018, and with effect from 1 June 2018 it will no longer be possible to pay several other categories of tax other than by online means.

For the on-time payment of interim and final liabilities in respect of income tax and Special Defence Contribution on all categories of income, online payment via the JCCsmart service will be mandatory from the beginning of June 2018. The only exceptions are payments in respect of which interest or penalties apply, or payments following revised self-assessments for income tax, which will have to be made at District Tax Offices.

For further information on this matter please contact Elena Christodoulou or your usual contact at Elias Neocleous & Co LLC.