Elias Neocleous, Managing Partner of our firm, was one of the leading businessmen recently asked to contribute to the Fileleftheros 2020 special edition.
In his New Year message Mr. Neocleous provided an assessment of the current state of the Cyprus economy. Despite current positive growth rates, he warned against complacency and stressed the importance of vigilance in order to recognize and successfully meet the geopolitical and economic challenges that are likely to arise in the coming year. In particular, he expressed his opinion that more assertive action must be taken in the areas of tackling bureaucracy, securing conditions for more efficient and sound business lending, streamlining taxation, promoting research and development projects and successfully embracing technological developments.
Furthermore, Mr. Neocleous highlighted an urgent need for a more focused and organized effort on the part of the country’s government agencies and regulators, together with the private sector, to promote Cyprus as a prime international business center.
A Greek version of the article can be found in the link.