On 13 March 2020, the government of Cyprus announced that entry into the Republic would not be allowed except for certain categories of people including Cypriot citizens, legal residents, Europeans and other citizens working in the Republic, students, and a small number of people qualifying as special cases. The restrictions were intended to mitigate the threat to the population due to the COVID – 19 pandemic.
However, due to the continuing increase in outbreaks, and in an attempt to control the spread of the virus, on 15 March 2020, it was additionally decided to place restrictions on the entry into the Republic of persons in these previously exempted categories. It was announced that, unless they were able to provide a medical certificate of a negative coronavirus test from a certified medical center abroad, they would also be refused entry. Thus, currently, anyone who does not possess such a certificate will not be allowed into the Republic.
However, there are some concerns as to the legality of the above decision with regards to Cypriot citizens. Nicholas Tsardellis, partner in our firm, has published an article in the Cyprus Mail, addressing this quite critical issue. The article mentions the absence of Supreme Court case law on this matter and reminds us of the fundamental constitutional provision of Art. 14. Moreover, it also provides an analysis in relation to the Aliens and Immigration Law.
Finally, the author stresses the unprecedented and critical nature of the issues that we are facing, and, expresses the opinion that the Rule of Law under the Constitution must, nonetheless, be respected at all times.
To read the full article follow this link.
For more information please speak with Nicolas Tsardellis or your usual contact at Elias Neocleous & Co LLC.