President Ursula von der Leyen has announced the creation of an EU coronavirus response team to coordinate the actions of the EU and member states in response to the current pandemic. The team is comprised of eight specialist European Commissioners who are currently responsible for the policies most affected by the outbreak. Their role is mainly a supportive one. The team will advise member states on recommendations on a common course of action. The intention is to prevent Member States taking uncoordinated and possibly contradictory measures that would undermine common efforts to fight the outbreak. Efforts will be focused on the areas of public health, transport, border control, internal markets and trade. Commissioner Stella Kyriakides will be in charge of all health issues.
An important part of the EU strategy is to ensure that information on the current situation in all these areas is available to EU citizens. A corona response web page has been established which contains key information on medical, mobility and economic issues as well as other useful and up to date information on the actions taken by the EU to try to counter the pandemic. To access it please follow this link.
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