We are delighted to announce that Mondaq has again awarded Elias Neocleous & Co LLC. the title of “Contributor most read in Cyprus” for the month of March, making it three in a row in 2020! Thanks to the skill and dedication of our IT team we have been able to continue with ‘business as usual’ right across the firm. This extends to the publications team which has been striving to support our legal staff in producing articles and guides which are relevant to the needs of our clients, our colleagues, and our business associates in these unprecedented circumstances. Receiving this award at a such a time is extremely gratifying and our aim is to continue to provide you with the updates and information that you require as individuals and businesses to remain safe and healthy.
If you would like more information relating to the articles published to date or if you believe that we may have overlooked a topic which is of interest to you please speak with your usual contact at Elias Neocleous & Co LLC. or notify our Covid-19 Taskforce [email protected]