E-justice, which should be the next step?

Our Partner, Mr. Antonis Glykis, recently published an article in the Fileleftheros newspaper.

Mr. Glykis, continuing from a previous article on issues of e-justice published in the same newspaper, draws our attention to the fact that the long delays in the administration of justice, its current general mode of operation and, the mentality of the people who serve it, create conditions which can result in   society developing a general disregard for the justice system. The author stresses that the efficiency of a country’s judicial system is a very important condition for social stability and economic development.

In light of this, he underlines the importance of the finalization of the revision of the Civil procedure rules, the application of teleconferences in the judicial practice, the digitalization of files and the need to provide a motivation for a complete transition to the electronic era.

Mr. Glykis notes that there is an ongoing judicial procedure concerning offers submitted for the creation of the e-justice platform and, highlights the need for a streamlined completion of the relevant process. The author expresses the opinion that the application of such an e-platform would be highly beneficial in the effort of restructuring and modernizing justice. The use of these tools by judges would also be perfectly feasible.

The author sees the current pandemic as an opportunity to reconsider and expedite changes in the field of justice. He concludes that the existing delays in this sector can have a considerable negative impact on investments and on business in our country in general.

You can find the article in this link (only in Greek).

For more information please speak with Antonis Glykis or your usual contact at Elias Neocleous & Co LLC.