Tax Department announces probable extension to deadline for submitting 2019 Tax Return TF1.

On 25 August 2020, the Tax Department issued an announcement that, due to technical reasons, it has not yet been able to make the following 2019 Income Tax Returns available for submission via TAXISnet:

  • Employees and individuals (TF1_individual),
  • Self employed individuals with turnover below EURO 70,000 (TF1_self employed).

Ordinarily the returns are available for submission early in the year and must be submitted no later than 31 July.  Publication of the returns was initially postponed due to the lockdown situation caused by the Covid 19 situation and the deadline for submission deferred until 31 October 2020.  It was originally anticipated that the forms would be made available in July, however, ‘technical difficulties’ forced further postponement.  No clarification of what the ‘technical difficulty’ is has been given but, in acknowledgement of the fact that 31 October 2020 is rapidly approaching, the Tax Commissioner has expressed a willingness to extend the submission deadline if necessary and apologised for any inconvenience caused.

Taxpayers will receive an email notification when the forms are available.  This will be sent to the address associated with their TAXISNET account.

For more information please speak with your usual contact at Elias Neocleous & Co LLC.