The people who make up Elias Neocleous & Co LLC constitute our firm’s greatest asset and we are committed to safeguarding their professional and personal well-being. In view of this, we were delighted to be informed that the firm has been accredited, by the Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB), with ‘Sound Industrial Relations 204 (SIR 2014)’.
The accreditation is the climax of a 12 month assessment process conducted by the OEB. This included a comprehensive audit of the firm’s Human Resource functions and also of its Health and Safety procedures. Whilst we were confident that our practices are sound and effective it is gratifying to receive independent confirmation that this is indeed the case. We look forward to working with OEM in the future to ensure that we continue to meet the highest standards as an employer and retain our reputation as a good place to work.
For more information, please contact Human Resource Manager, Andreas Savvides, or Head of Human Capital, Anna Mylona .