Youth Empowerment: A New Chapter with EYP Cyprus

Elias Neocleous & Co LLC is proud to announce our new partnership with the European Youth Parliament (EYP) Cyprus. As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments, we will provide pro-bono legal services to EYP Cyprus, supporting their mission to empower and inspire young people across the island.

About the European Youth Parliament Cyprus

The European Youth Parliament Cyprus is a non-partisan, and non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering independent thinking, personal initiative, and intercultural dialogue among the youth. Established in 2006, EYP Cyprus is part of the broader EYP network, which spans over 40 countries and engages more than 30,000 young people annually in discussions on pressing European political and social issues.

The organisation offers a wide range of activities, including conferences, workshops, think tanks, and panel discussions. These events are designed to develop vital skills, promote intercultural understanding, and create a network of young changemakers who are prepared to positively impact their communities and the world.

Our Partnership

At Elias Neocleous & Co LLC, we believe in the power of youth to drive positive change. Our decision to partner with EYP Cyprus is rooted in our commitment to supporting initiatives that empower young people to be active, engaged, and informed citizens. By providing pro-bono legal services, we aim to help EYP Cyprus continue their invaluable work without the burden of legal concerns.

We hope that our support will enable EYP Cyprus to focus on their core mission: creating platforms for young people to express their views, engage in meaningful dialogue, and develop skills that will serve them in their personal and professional lives. We are excited to contribute to a future where the voices of young people are heard, and their potential is fully realized. By supporting the youth of today, we are investing in a brighter, more inclusive, and innovative future for all.