Gaz to Gaz

An article co-authored by Elias Neocleous & Co LLC Senior Associate Ramona Livera and Associate Anna Georgaka, details the Cyprus Registrar of Intellectual Property’s decisions on three trademark oppositions filed by Antargaz of France against Intergaz Ltd, Intergaz Energy Solutions Ltd, and Intergaz Chartering Ltd. Antargaz argued that the Applicants’ trademarks would confuse consumers and benefit unfairly from Antargaz’s reputation.

The Registrar evaluated the trademarks’ visual, aural, and conceptual similarities, concluding that they were distinct enough to prevent confusion. Additionally, Antargaz failed to prove its trademarks had significant reputation in Cyprus. Consequently, the Registrar dismissed the oppositions and approved the registrations for the Applicants’ trademarks, recognizing their distinctiveness and lack of potential harm to Antargaz’s marks.

The full article can be found viewed on Lexology and Mondaq.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact Ramona Livera or Anna Georgaka.