Does the EU’s AI Act strike the right balance between safeguarding safety and fundamental rights, and fostering AI innovation and deployment in the EU?
This Article unpacks the AI Regulation, offering an in-depth analysis of the legislator’s results-oriented and risk-based approach to rule-setting in this emerging field. It explores the various requirements across the different risk categories, their practical implications and associated regulatory burden, puts the rules in context by providing several real-world examples, and also highlights measures designed to support AI innovation.
Building on this comprehensive analysis, the article discusses key concerns that have been expressed regarding the Act, such as a heavy administrative burden, an overly broad definition of what constitutes an AI system, negative impacts on innovative EU SMEs and startups, and the potential for AI entrepreneurs to opt for other less regulated jurisdictions such as the United States.
For a more in-depth analysis of this topic, please refer to our forthcoming article titled “ Balancing Innovation and Regulation: A Detailed Analysis of the AI Act”
The full article can be viewed on Lexology and Mondaq
For more information, please reach out to Stefanos Sofroniou.