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The profound and unanticipated crisis caused by the Covid-19 virus is a tragedy affecting all of humanity.  It also has a growing impact on the global economy. Businesses face challenges of survival, sustainability and volatility. This section of our website is intended to provide our clients, and all business leaders, with information on important developments as they occur, and also, on the associated implications for their businesses.  We trust you will find it useful.

We also, however, recognize that you may require more detailed information which is tailored to the specific needs of you and your business. To address this need we have established a ‘Task Force’ team to provide you with comprehensive and timely assistance.  The Task Force consists of cross-departmental professionals from our corporate, commercial, employment, public law, EU law, IT, GDPR and litigation teams.

Please be assured that in these unchartered, difficult times we are working for and alongside you.  Our intention remains, as it always has been, to deliver you a high quality, responsive and innovative service.  Working together we shall overcome this challenging period.  Now is a time for us all to focus on helping one another and our wider communities.

If you have any queries or concerns do please contact me, Elias Neocleous, or your usual contact at Elias Neocleous & Co LLC.  Alternatively, you may, if you wish email us at  [email protected].